"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Tuesday, August 30

Welcome to Kolkata!

Well, I finally made it to India! Long, long time getting here, but well beyond worth it. Only spent one night in Kolkata, but I feel like time is passing too quickly. Haha.

Just wanted to tell a couple things that made my heart so happy today...

Today we met several of the women that we will be working with - let me just say that I will not cease to be entertained when I'm around them. Don't know Bengali yet...and won't by the time I leave, but will definitely be able to speak and understand a few things while conversing with the women. Anyways, as soon as we walked into the area where the women sew, the jokes were flying. It was so stinking cool. These women were so full of life...so full of hope and it is incredible to witness. So once we sat down the women decided we each needed a Bengali name. I was graced with the name 'Pinky'...not sure exactly why they paired that to me, but I love it! Makes me feel at home and so welcomed into their lives. They even asked how long we were staying...after hearing it was four months their reply was "good, people come and go too often", so that shows these women have such a sweet desire for our presence.

Also, we were with the women when tea was served today. It was ginger tea and absolutely delicious, but being it is so hot outside and this cup of tea was steaming, I wasn't able to finsih it in the time we were there, so I handed the lady who made the tea, who was also washing the dishes, my half-full cup. She looked at me and help the cup back up and was basically like..."What?" Haha. I tried telling her that it was absolutely delicious but because I'm not feeling the best, it was hard to drink. This lady doesn't even understand English...I just smiled real big, gave her a thumbs up and rubbed my tummy. Ha. But I walked away feeling defeated and like I already messed up big time with one of these precious ladies. But right before we left, the lady walked right up to me, put her hand on my back and said "I love you" in Bengali. I smiled so big and did my best to say it back to her...have lots to learn, but oh goodness I'm so excited for the next four months.

Things you could be praying for...
Jet lag. Kolkata is 10.5 hours ahead, so you can imagine I'm exhausted...and slowly feel my health disappearing. Also, pray for our team and unity between us. And definitely the women - oh they are beautiful! Can't wait to spend so much time with them.

Love you all!


  1. "Pinky" fits you well darling, maybe it is because you are so tiny! Such a comfort to read your words - sounds as though you are going to be just fine - praying for you and team - love mama

    PINKY!!! never would have chosen that one for you-but i like it.We were really waiting on your post and i was so comforted by your words. Once again so proud of what you are doing and the commitment you've made-you know how I've always taught you there are only 2 kinds of people in this world; a leader or a follower- You are the leader..... Love you soo much daddy!!!!

  2. Hey Pinky---love it and love you. I am so glad to know you made it there and I sure hope you get to feeling better...it will probably take a little while to get adjusted. Sounds like you are getting off to a good start with the women there. Please take care of yourself and know we are praying for you and your team. God bless! aunt cat

  3. Tay, I'm so glad you made it to India safely. How perfect that they served tea--you love tea! I could see your smiling face when I read your post, and it made me smile too. I can't think of anyone more fit to be on this journey. I love you and I will be praying for you. Love, Pris

  4. Haha absolutely love the nick name! I'm guessing you teared up when she said she loved you? Hah(: glad to know your welcome there, wish you luck with the girls. Sounds like your enjoying yourself. Use signing if you can't figure out the language lol. Love you lots big Sis!

    Love, Lilah!

  5. Pinky-We have pinky fingers,pinky toes,now
    pinky taylor.Can'tget better than that.Was so
    proud you had a safe flight and now both feet on the ground.Know that we love you and are praying
    for you and your team daily.His Amazing Grace pass it on, Love You ,M.M. And Grandaddy
