"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Saturday, December 17

Ten days remaining (tomorrow)...

Ten days tomorrow (for me that's only 5 hours away, so 11 to you kids in America)...anyways, it's so strange to be blogging about my ten days remaining, when it seems like yesterday I was writing a blog about having ten days until I left to come here. I really don't understand time. In one respect it feels like I arrived yesterday, but at the same time it feels like I've been here for at least half of my life. Days are just so long...

But as I wrap up these ten days, I'm doing my best to make sure I have plenty of time to say sweet farewells to everyone that has become a part of my life here.

I had yet another dream last night where I'm back in America and forgot to say good-bye to everyone...it's like I just appeared in America and I've forgotten my life in India. I spend almost the entire dream crying and coming to terms with the fact that it's over. It's so terrible...every time. Today my team leader helped me realize that yes these dreams do suck, but in one way it's my heart preparing it's absence from this place. It's almost like I'm in both places. I'm allowed to begin processing my return home before I've actually returned home. Nice, but not the funnest thing. But it is nice waking up and knowing I have more time left...and knowing that I will for sure get it all done, because I've seen my heart in the case I didn't do all I intended to.

What does that mean?
It means today I purchased the ingredients to make the family donut holes. Yes, homemade donut holes people. First attempt...pray for me. But I know they will love it. 
It also means us three girls dressed up in our saris and bangles to take a picture...of which we will make 90 copies (yes, that's a lot...we know), and pass one out to each of the ladies.
It means that we've made plans of our mishti (sweets) date with the cigarette lady down the road, and our departing gift for the cha lady has been purchased.
And finally, it means that Friday I totally took Roshan the entire day at Mama T's, because next time I'm gonna be running around getting pictures of all of my babies.

I have so much more peace about leaving than I have before, so I know the Lord is giving me grace in that, but I still don't know what to do with the ticking clock I have in my hand. It's like holding on to sand...just keeps falling out of my hand no matter how hard I try to hold on to it.

Seven more nights with the family.
One more day at Sari Bari.
One more day at Mama T's.
Three Christmas parties with each Sari Bari office.
Three days of a debriefing retreat.
And then I'm home.

Don't have too much to say, just a report card. The Lord knows I can't absorb things like this well, so He has provided a sense of numbness to my emotions. Not in a negative manner like I've always perceived it to be. I'm still absorbing and I don't have walls up...I can feel that, but I'm protected against drowning in my regrets of leaving this place and it's beautiful. As I said today...it helps me leave with the joy of the past four months shining so brightly and not being weighed down by the sadness of saying good-bye.

Be in prayer for all of us. Us three girls as we finish out here, and transition to home. Pray for the people we are leaving and that the Lord will continually work in the lives of those people. Pray as the Spirit leads...I can't  name all that we need, but He knows.

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