"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Thursday, December 22

Where there are roots...

Today I left one of the Sari Bari offices for the last time.
Today I bid farewell to many of the great women I've grown to love dearly.
Today was only the first really difficult goodbye I will say.

It was a good, good day. As we told the women...it is a happy day. Yes, this is our last day at Sari Bari, but it is happy because together we are celebrating the birth of the Christ that has given us freedom. We sat around and heard the story of the first coming of Jesus in Bangla, ate a combination of Indian favorite Christmas snacks, shared cups of coffee, danced the day away, and the women were given lovely saris as gifts. Then we said goodbye. It all happened so fast...it's like one moment they were all there with us and the next they were all gone. Individual women that I've grown really close to clung to me tightly as we shared tears of sadness and words like "go well" and "Jesus loves you dearly". I didn't want to let go of any of them. There's too much beauty there...in their presence. But, we have a great Father above that has plans for us all, so I'm following that.

My tears right now speak something differently, but it was truly a beautiful day. Through this, the Lord has shown me that where there are roots, there will be blossoms. The only reason that it is so hard to leave this place is because of the beautiful relationships that have blossomed, the beautiful memories that have blossomed, the beautiful joy that has blossomed. So yes, it's incredibly difficult to uproot myself, but it took planting those roots here to make it worth staying. If I had never put roots down, the days would have been meaningless. It's that whole where the is joy there is sorrow, and where there is sorrow there is joy. It's definitely a two-way road. I either had both, or nothing. And I'm gonna go with both. It was a joy-filled sorrowful day, but wonderful as a whole.

I learned a little more about love today. And the truth that language doesn't really build that great of a wall in the presence of these women. No way. There love is much greater than any wall...

So where there are roots, there will be blossoms.

Praise the Father above for that. I would hate to plant roots and never see blossoms. Or not have the opportunity to plant roots in the first place, that would lead to never seeing the blossoms. 

Who is good? God is good. Always.

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