"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Friday, November 18

Hands and feet...working together as one body.

I got a couple e-mails in response to that last blog and just life in this city that have done my heart some good. Just wanted to share a little from one of them...

"Remember that our God has already won. He has defeated sin and death. He is victorious, even when our limited vision cannot begin to fathom that. The grave is empty, Taylor. Hold onto that because that is the only hope we have."

Thanks for the words, people. Good for my heart. We are called the body of Christ, as believers, because we each have individual places to serve and act, but also because we build one another up to form wholeness. I needed those words. Needed them to remember to keep heart and to continue with love.

Also, just happened to hear this in a random podcast I listened to. Austin Stone. Always good...
"The past. What God has done in the past should inform our present and future. There stands a faithful and loving God."
I forget too easily.

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