"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Sunday, November 13

Not a lot of words.

Don't really have anything to blog, but I came across one of Jamie Ivey's blogs from September and it is absolutely beautiful. I just had to share. I feel like this lady put words to my desires and my fears. She speaks so well of the materialistic battle and the impact of seeing something outside what we (including I), as Americans, have mistakenly viewed as necessary components of a happy life. And we don't have to voice these things...the way you live speaks it for you. This battle...I don't want to have it, but will. I won't always be walking on these streets seeing what I do. One day, the intensity of these moments will fade. In that time, I have to remember to continue dying to myself daily.

Jesus did say the only way to find our lives is to give it up.

So here's the link to her blog:  I was forever changed...

Please go read, it is a good one.

In addition to this, just have to say how much I love going to church where we go. It is such a sweet blessing to be there every Sunday. Those children are adorable. And the message today, Jesus definitely planned that one out. So beautiful when that happens. But the message was about 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Commonly known, but never spoken enough...not with understanding, at least. It was a comfort. We are told to delight in weaknesses, hardships, difficulties, and the like...for in our weakness HIS strength is known. So many reasons to hate suffering, but a few great reasons to appreciate it. Hold to those. Only way to survive.

1 comment:

  1. I had to give a shout out to my baby girl..Even though it feels as if haven't held you or seen that beautiful smile of yours in half a life time,I still hear your voice and feel whats in your heart as I read your words.
    So many times I know from your words that your emotions are just like the roller coaster of this life-I know your heart an how it opens to those in need!
    It is not how we handle the victories in this life that determine who we are-It is how we handle disappointments and the ways that we let God use them for his purpose and not ours;that is what determines who we are.
    Never forget your purpose for being there or the reason you went Baby Girl......
    Love you to the moon,
