"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Sunday, September 4

Every day is eventful.

So, just want to make a short post and tell y'all about yesterday's moments...

If you know me, and definitely if you know me well, you know that I LOVE coffee. Well, as Erin on my servant team would say..."we have been blessed." The Lord most definitely blessed us with a sweet visit to India Coffee House - not exactly like home, but close enough. India coffee has a slightly different flavor that I'm sure soon I will find to be quite amazing. Maybe even miss it when I'm back...maybe.

I got french fries! And they were awesome! I have very much so missed anything that is a comfort or reminds me of anything I've known in my life. Familiarity is difficult to come by, but I found it at Food Station on College Street. Yes, they had french fries - a great, great comfort to me. I'm actually making it a goal of mine to try french fries at every little restaurant we visit often. Once I find my favorite, I'm sure they will know my face very well. Haha.

And the BEST yet...drum roll...are you ready ladies and gentlemen? I have discovered a place in Kolkata that has sweet tea. And yes it is the southern sweeeeet style that I love. Blessings from above are raining down. Lovely.

Then...when walking back to the metro, there was a break in the buildings and I could see the sky. Oh my. It was a beautiful blue with preciously white clouds. Brought a huge smile to my face and just made our adventure for the day so much more sweet.

And then the real adventure began. I just knew I wouldn't make it four months without having to deal with a roach - in fact, I knew I would deal with them and possibly very often. But, I feel that making it 5 days without seeing one was a deceptive preparation for my first and very traumatic experience. IT WAS AS LONG AS MY INDEX FINGER! This thing was not just a roach, it was a ROACH! And where was this little creature hiding away? MY BAG! Oh dear heavens, my heart is racing like yesterday just speaking about it. This was a very bad first experience...it has definitely scarred me. I will forever be zipping my bags during the next four months. That could get annoying, but totally worth it. And just to really communicate how terrible it was, I should tell you I threw up. Yes, I was so traumatized  that I vomited after finding a roach in my bag, crawling all over my clothes. I did in fact start the hand-washing adventure moments later. Oh life in Kolkata.

Also...moved into the homestay today. Precious family with precious children. I know this is the very begging of building sweet, sweet relationships that will make leaving this place in four months close to impossible. But not there yet, so wont let my heart grow sad just yet. Beautiful four months with these people ahead. They are so amazing to open their home to us...beyond thankful.


  1. Mama and I have been tearing up after reading all of your post and died laughing about the ROACH!!! Ha! Ha! We all know how much you love them! I think it is funny how you "prepared" to eat the spiciest foods of your life but we are glad that you found coffee, french fries, and sweet tea. We are praying for you and your team, love you so very much! - Carley & Aunt Debber

  2. It is so amazing that the little things in life affect us the most!! well maybe not the smallest from your ginormous description and amazing writing. It did make me roll girl;can't wait to hear about your new home and the family. Sooo proud of you finding sweet tea-coffee and fries;fries are a carb!!! so eat some protein.
    Miss you so much and praying for ya-Daddy

    My sweet Taylor what an adventure indeed! It almost sounds as though the South has had a hand in preparing you for Kolkata...sweet tea, french fries, roaches...(that tops all the roach stories!) Ha! Carley and Aunt Debra laughed so much they cried ...we just kept picturing you...knowing how you are. Hope your relationship with your host family continues to grow and strengthen...that makes missing you a little bit easier...love you so much, mama

  3. You are such a special young lady and I know you will be blessed beyond measure for your commitment to God's plan for your life. Don and I will keep you in our prayers each night. I love you and picture you with our precious Rylan when I read your words. He really loves you. They returned from Vermont 10 days early after being landlocked from the hurricane floods. Ry and Jude start preschool tomorrow. Clint and I went there for the weekend. Central Texas is plagued by a multitude of wildfires today. Please pray for those displaced from their homes in your spare time (ha). I love you, Aunt Linda Gay
