"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Sunday, September 18

I was once a Kolkata.

Well, don't worry...I'm still alive. I know I was good at blogging just about every other day, but had to break. One, I was a bit exhausted of the computer. And two, I needed to spend a few days not really thinking...just sorta soaking in the city. There's so much going on, I often can't even sort my thoughts.

Attended a church this morning that was such a blessing in the city. It was small, had tons of children, and felt right. First church I've attended that I enjoyed the location, the walls, the worship, the people around me, the message, and the welcoming of the people. It was such a joy to attend. One child walked right up to me and asked me if I liked his country of my country better. Haha. I answered saying "I absolutely love it here" and I was speaking truth. There is something so wonderful about this place and these people, amidst all the ugliness, that just makes my heart so happy. To be honest, and I'm not saying this to sound at all like a masochist, but I think the fact that it is so broken, dirty, smelly, and corrupt is what draws me in. If you look at it all with your basic eyes that's what you see, but if you take time too see this city through your "eternity goggles", or just basically with a mindset that Christ redeems everything that is broken, dirty, smelly, and corrupt, it can be viewed as a canvas for hope. In fact, in our original state we are broken, dirty, smelly, and corrupt - just like this city - but Christ considered me worthy of his death, worthy of love, worthy of his sacrifice. What makes this city any different? Why shouldn't I view it at Christ viewed me...worthy of love? This city is a pure reflection of all that is wrong with mankind (or at least it feels that way walking down the street - I apologize if this seems dramatic or depressing, but it is what it is), but there is hope to be painted. I was once a Kolkata, as well.

But back to the church. I love all of the children there. They all walked up to meet us and were not shy in the least. I cannot say how refreshing a beautiful smile is in this city. People don't smile here. And when they do, it's on the face of perverted man and takes on a whole different context. So to see so many innocent children smiling is a true beauty to behold. And in addition to that, they spoke about Malachi 4:2 that I shared in an earlier blog. I have never heard that verse until I found it a couple weeks ago and to hear it in the message this morning just made my heart skip a beat. My mouth dropped and I felt like the Lord arranged that. We weren't even supposed to attend this church until next week...I would have missed that moment, but nope...I was there. So sweet. Anyways...that verse was brought out in addition to the story in the gospels of the woman that was bleeding for twelve years - how she touched the hem of Jesus' garment as He walked by and was healed by her faith. It was explained that at the hem of their clothing in that day could be small strings, which they called "wings". So as Malachi 4:2 speaks of the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in it's wings...it's quite a picture to piece together. Jesus is the sun of righteousness. Those wings on the bottom of his garment hold healing power. That lady found that true to be that day, and one day coming all will find to be true. Needless to say, I definitely want to return to this church. It was truly a retreat from the city, but not in the manner of comfy benches and A/C; instead, it was a retreat from the city in the manner of beautiful smiles and a hopeful message.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pinky! Always look so forward to reading your posts and having that little glimpse of your life in India,It's also like having a window to your heart-I can always tell how your doing thru your words.
    It is really a gift to look at something that is so broken,so mistreated,and so dirty-and find that glimpse of hope in a place so far from everything you've ever know.

    Love you baby girl,
