"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Thursday, September 8

This post has no central message...just a warning.

Malachi 4:2:
"But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall."

the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings
the sun
of righteousness
shall rise
with healing
in its wings

How stinking beautiful is that? Oh my goodness. I LOVE this. The other day I found this and I cannot tell you how loudly it spoke to my heart. I walk around this city with eyes that only seem to see things that are broken and ugly, things that need mending. But this verse promises something so lovely. Healing will come. And how? On the wings of the rising sun of righteousness. Whooooa! I can't help but smile when I read this. Actually, yesterday I said it to one of the girls on my team while we were on the bus and I started clapping out of joy (haha...typing that makes me realize how funny that action is and feel really dumb). I forgot where I was for a moment. I allowed myself to be overwhelmed with joy in the truth of those words. Sort of a poor place (if that's possible), because at that moment everyone on the bus turned and looked at me...as if my white skin doesn't scream "look at me" enough. Anyways...what I get out of this is the amazing promise that in trusting the name of the Lord (his name, his ways, his words), healing and mending will come and fix all that is broken (i.e. the world)...and it will be done so when the sun rises, when righteousness from above comes beaming down in rays that bring light to everything that is dark. Holy cow is that not awesome or what!? Speaking of cows...it continues on to say we will leap like calves from the stall. That to me is the picture of perfect joy. Being released from whatever ugly thing is trapping us...allowing freedom and bringing us to life. Life that is overflowing with a joy that even leads us to clapping on a crowded bus in a city we already stand out in just because we are sooooo happy.

Dear World:  Rescue is coming. Hold tight.

What else?
Well I started the morning by getting on an incredibly packed train. Like worse than sardines. Imagine if that can of sardines you open and assume only 5 will fit in it...well double it and you got this train. Jeez. This is my second time, but I'm still a rookie. I'll get better at this...I have to.

Also, while visiting with the women again, I had a somewhat American lunch. Cheese sandwich with potato chips and a couple cookies. The women all offered me their rice, because my meal is actually not considered a meal in these parts of the world. If rice isn't involved, you haven't really eaten. They think I'm crazy...and then try to feed me. It's funny. It's sweet.

I'm ready to know how to speak Bangla. It's difficult to be the only one in the room not in a conversation. Or to have some lady try to speak to me and me just smile and wish so strongly to understand her. It's difficult, but Ami sheekjee (I am learning). :)

Today I witnessed a fight...for only a couple seconds. As I left the office, I was walking my way through the ally and all of a sudden three boys ran past me, each with something that could be considered a weapon but shouldn't be used as such (including a 2x2 board). Everyone was pointing toward the way I was walking, directing them where to go. I knew what was coming, but still wasn't pleased to be walking by at the moment the parties made contact. Not pleasant. It hurt my heart. They all just sorta clashed into one space at the same time. I heard hits and screaming...hated every second. I kept walking...sped up actually, so Mom and Dad...y'all can chill - I made it out just fine...only a couple bruises (kidding...very much so kidding). No worries. But it made me so sad. I have no idea what happened or why, but it's horrible that we, as people, are drawn to harm others in the attempt to make right what we think should be right. In fact yesterday, a woman said to me that only when you kick and scream, not in peace, do you make changes. I would very strongly like to disagree. Martin Luther King? Ghandi? I think she is crazy.

I have picked up the head bob. Yep...I'm a true Indian. Almost. Also, I'm finally able to tolerate drinking hot tea (cha = tea in Bangla...just fyi) in this incredibly hot weather. The idea is crazy, but it's the way things are done here. I'm jumping on board. Btdubbs...ginger tea is the bomb-dot-com. I'll definitely learn how to make so if you're lucky I'll treat you with it when I'm back in the states.

Next time I come, I'm bringing my own headphones. This dumb internet cafe has two sets of headphones for twelve computers...and only the left ear works...not cool.

One complaint...my face is greasy. I didn't know it could do this. It's gross.

And prayers...
  • Pray for our language studies. I'm trying to learn Bangla...it's difficult. Our tutor has pretty much made up spelling for the words using an alphabet that she also made up (composed of the English alphabet with a few additions and sound changes), so it's hard. That may not have even made sense, but please pray that we can learn so that we can communicate with the ladies. Relationships aren't usually built on smiles and two people just making sounds that the other doesn't understand.
  • Pray that me and the team continue to make progress in getting used to this culture. That has been very difficult on us all. Every time someone hears this is my first trip out of the states they look at me like I'm crazy. They are basically like "wait...you've never left the U.S. and you came to Kolkata? and for four months?"...and look at me like I'm insane. Heyyyy - Jesus did this. I'm just rolling with the plan, man. But please pray for this...the more we feel like being here, the more we do while we are here. It's already easier, so I know a day will come when I don't wish for french fries or coffee.
  • Pray for the women. Always. I don't think they really understand that we are here for four months...they've seen too much come and go...staying isn't a well understood concept. At least when it comes to our presence. 

Ok, ok...long enough post. Done for today.



  1. Tay!!

    I just remembered you had a blog and found it! I've been praying for you every day and now I'm so glad to know more specifically what you need prayer for. I'm so glad to know you made it safely and have started to get acquainted with the city, your team, and the women you're working with! I just read every post up until now and they made me smile, laugh, and cry (at different times of course) :) Anyway I can tell by your posts that God is already doing some amazing things in your life and the people's lives you are coming into contact with! I can't wait to hear more about how He moves these next four months and the experiences you will have. I love you dearly! -Analeise

  2. Hey darling, always look so forward to reading your post- it helps so much because I spend a lot of time wondering...how you're feeling, what you're eating, doing each day...etc. Sounds as though your days are quite busy...that's good. I did want to tell you that your time there touches me too, your thoughts and conclusions usually leave me thinking ..... "that is so true" Prayers & Love, Mama
