"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Tuesday, September 6

To Canning...and home again.

Today me and the team ventured out to a small village called Canning to visit the office there. 5 minute walk to a rickshaw, 7 minute ride to an auto, 15 minute auto ride to the train, hour long train ride...takes quite some time getting out there, but that hour long train ride was an experience, and a peace at the same time. The train ride was not as bad as I expected...praise the Lord for the ladies section. But I will complain for one moment about the fact the cart we were on was divided between ladies and vendors...and one particular vendor happened to be transporting fish. For that hour, I was thankful for the pond in my backyard and being raised in a fishing family...I could tolerate it, where it was a bit more difficult for one of the girls. We got there and it was grand. Walked in to meet a room full of new faces. They each walked up, embraced my hand and smiled so big. It was so precious. Enjoyed practicing my bangla with those ladies...they laughed at my pronunciation, but I don't blame them. It is awful. We also got to share lunchtime with the ladies...because Indian food has been a bit much for me, I went across the village and purchased bread, a cucumber, and an apple...each from a different place...to eat for lunch. What I would have made a face at if I was forced to eat in America, I walk through a crowded, muddy, smelly village for in India. Crazy how that works. What I wouldn't give to have a rice crispy right now. Haha.

Enjoying the homestay. The son of the family found our flashlights yesterday and was amazed...he played with them for about 10 minutes. He also told me that my iPod is actually a mobile because iPods are smaller...and then attempted to stick my headphones up his nose. Haha. Great place. At night we hear the family worshiping before going to bed and it just warms my heart. Easy to get discouraged in a city of idols, but the only difference between here and America is that here the idols have faces and physical locations of worship. God is big here. Very, very big. I just have to open my blinded heart.

1 comment:

  1. "the only difference between here and America is that here the idols have faces and physical locations of worship."

    Good stuff Taylor, definitely made me think. Praying for you lots!
