"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely..." Hosea 14:4

Sunday, September 11

Oh life.

I read this in a book yesterday...

"We are poor listeners because we are afraid that there is something other than love in God."

I fail to listen to the plans or purposes that he has for me (that I don't want), because I think he is motivated by something other than love. Newsflash...that's not possible. Such a fresh point of view. Thankful.

Also, just want to tell a small story.
During our "orientation" to this place, our team leader informed us that in this city men will touch you. Inappropriately and when undesired (which is always). She explained the best way to handle this was to bring attention to it...to speak loudly saying "do not touch me, stop touching me" and leave as soon as possible. Here's my experience...
Yesterday me and a friend got on an incredibly crowded metro. Crowded to the point where every person was smashed up against another. I couldn't even make my way to the ladies section (yes, a ladies section is designated on each metro cart and bus - because these men are so perverted). So anyways...I did my best to deal with the crowd until it lessened at the further stops. Well before I could get relief, this freaking creep that was standing directly behind me decided to grab my butt. This man took. He wanted and so he took. That's the way it works here. Gives me such a window into the women's lives...very small window, but for a brief moment I felt what it feels like to be used. But - that is not where the story ends...I mean...y'all know me. So this kids grabs my butt and not just a graze, he holds on, so what do I do? I through a bow into homeboy's chest/left shoulder area so hard that I almost removed his left arm. I didn't think, I reacted. Funny...must be from growing up with a brother that decides to come up and head-lock me every now and then...thanks for the defense practice, bub! But for real dude better recognize...don't mess with me...I'll remove those hands you're touching me with. Haha. Not really, but obviously I'm not afraid to let them know I'm disgusted with them and not going to silently tolerate their actions. One down, who knows how many to go.

And lastly...tried a church today. Weird. I'm sure this won't be my last post about church in Kolkata, but review...it was strange. Walked into this place and forgot the streets existed. Me and the team actually looked like we were in off the street - it's obvious that everyone there is very wealthy. Very weird feeling. Had an awesome worship...very American...sang songs I have at Breakaway and churches from back home. That was refreshing, but honestly - I felt too far away from the city outside. In that place - with A/C, beautiful decor, clean clean clean - I only wondered how the people right outside the doors were fairing. I was sad that I couldn't see handprints of this church on the city streets. I've come to expect that in a church, especially one planted in the middle of one of the most broken places of the world. I wondered where the church is not on Sundays. Hard to deal.

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